December 13, 2011


Obsessing over:
Joey and I have been watching Psych over and over on Instant Netflix. We watch all the new episodes on USA and it's also definitely a show that I can watch in syndication without getting bored. We started with season 1 last week and just started on season 2 tonight. The cast is fabulous and I laugh at every episode!

Working on: 
I finally got all of our Christmas cards addressed tonight, now we have to go get stamps and mail them tomorrow. It's so exciting... these are our first Christmas cards together! So cute. We are just so damn cute.

Thinking about: 
My momma. The holidays were her favorite time of the year and it's just not the same without her here. This will be our 3rd Christmas without her... and I'm just hoping it's going to be a quiet and simple weekend full of family and friends.

New Years! I keep thinking I want to do something fun this year, but I also love just staying in and eating junk food with the hubs. All I know is that I am looking forward to a new year... new resolutions, new opportunities for change. We'll see what happens, I suppose!

Listening to: 
Psych, weren't you listening?! but also Joey clicking on his computer and the loudness of my laptop as it slowly overheats into oblivion.

I'm not drinking anything, actually. But I did drink a glass of milk about an hour ago.

For a white Christmas ;)

Thanks for the fun survey, Katie!

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